Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 12th: National Park Round 2!

When we woke up to the sun shining this morning, we decided to take full advantage of it and make today our first beach day! We had a long debate over whether or not to go to the public beach, or to pay to get into the national park again and go to the more secluded and seemingly safer beach. Decision made, we were going back into the park! With one of the downsides being that once you enter, you can’t re-enter, we didn’t want to have to leave early to go get lunch, so we decided to go to the grocery store to buy snacks. This time we were going to be smart and drive into Quepos and go to a REAL grocery store and not get ripped off at a mini-mart on the beach. Or so we thought. We wanted to keep it simple and cheap, so PB&J was what we were on the hunt for! Apparently peanut butter isn’t as popular here... we had to ask around at a few different stores to find it. The price really isn’t worth mentioning, but the sandwiches were delicious so we will call it a success. 

I was SO happy that we went into the park again, because this time we actually saw sloths! 5 sloths! (for those of you that have seen Ice Age, you know the correct pronunciation of “Schloths”) Ones that were actually awake! I could watch them for days! They are so cute! The little one we found first especially. The bigger ones are cute too, but they have funny hair-dos. So much talking about sloths prompted a pretty entertaining conversation about how they function. To summarize, I may never outlive my comment about sloths brains potentially being upside-down. 

Look how cute he is!!

We also saw more monkeys, and howler monkeys (which would sound terrifying if you didn’t know what they were). And we saw babies of both!

Once we got to the beach, we lasted about 10min in the sun before we had to go jump in the water. The water is the perfect temperature! We sat in the waves forever. Sun, water, sun, water, snack, water. That was how we spent majority of the afternoon. Towards the end, we ventured out in the water with the waterproof case I bought for Nick’s iphone. We tried taking photos as we bounced around in the waves, somewhere around 200 intentional and unintentional photos in about 10min to be exact. 

Nick seemed pretty pleased when he went out in the ocean and called his mom. I just laughed as I sat on the beach watching people walk by and stare in confusion at the man bobbing up and down in the water talking on his cell phone. 

To end the night, we went to El Wagon, a pizzeria with a really cool atmosphere. We both ordered our pina coladas and ate pizza while we listened to the singer/guitarist playing music in the corner. We were visited by a bug with foot-long antenas that enjoyed our flower centerpiece. We like friends here. Just not ones that touch our food. He was shunned to the table next to ours, him and the flower.  

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