Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 28th: BUNGEEEEE!

I slept surprisingly well knowing that a bus would pick us up at 8 in the morning to hurl ourselves off of a 265 foot bridge. My birthday present from Jen this year was my very first bungee jump over el rio Colorado!! I hadn't really thought about it that much as we have been a little busy doing fun things in Costa Rica. It became real when the alarm clock went off. We're going to jump off a bridge today. We're going to jump off a BRIDGE.......

We were both nervous and scared in a good way all morning. We kept smiling at each other all morning as we got ready, ate breakfast, and waited for our late ride. Finally someone rolled up about 20 minutes late. "Bungee"? Was all he said. "Yep!!" And off we went. We picked up some more peeps on the way who we later made friends with in anticipation of our jump. There were two tico guys who were really nice and excited. A lady who seemed a little bit older than us sat in the front seat. Also, there was a guy and girl in their early 20's sitting a couple rows in front of us. We both eavesdropped a little on their conversation. Ryan and Dana turns out had met on the plane ride to Costa Rica and had promised they would go bungee jumping together. Cool story huh? We arrived at the check in after about a 45 minute car ride. At the check in, we signed our death wish paper that basically said "I understand that I'm about to jump off a bridge and I won't sue you". We had to verify our weight. Getting a little more nervous......

a short ride later we arrived at puente viejo or "old bridge". It was rusty and clearly no longer a main use of transportation. There we met our guides who were very cool.  They joked with us about not knowing what they were doing and that we were victims, as everyone but me (I was too heavy for the same bungee they used, I got my own) put on their harnesses. 

Nerves......I tried so hard to be a good camera man as Jen was getting her harness and being prepped for her jump. But she had to wait a little before she jumped. She went 4th. The girl from the front seat went first without hesitation. It was a trip watching how long she free fell before the bungee cord caught her......Again, the nerves!! Ryan and Dana went next but Dana was a little reluctant to jump. She got the countdown and then a peptalk. And then another countdown. She looked terrified. But she seemed to conquer it......and jumped!! Ryan went with no problems...... More nerves. Happy excited feeling like before a football game. Then it was Jen's turn!!

 I took a lot of pics of her trying to make up for the fact that I am not very good with a camera. She was very smiley and seemed not too bothered by her impending doom. But then again she had done this before. I was so proud as she walked up to the platform, cinco....quatro.....tres.....dos.....UNO!!! And she jumped right away!! Hands out in flying squirrel position. What a little boss!!! Wearing her leopard shirt she looked like a flying leopard!! Either fearless or crazy!! 

She was all smiles as she stepped back on solid bridge. I gave her a "im so glad youre still alive" kiss. I really couldn't turn back now.... 

One of the ticos jumped and then it was my turn. I couldn't possibly wait any longer because by this time I had already visualized jumping 64 times. Lets do this!!! They strapped me in and went over the procedure as I sat on the ledge of the bridge. Everyone was taking pictures as I tried to look brave. 

Everything happened really fast after that. He had me put my toes on the edge of the platform over the 265 foot drop. I looked back at Jen and smiled as he started the countdown. 5....4.....3.....2....1!!! 

I jumped out as far as I could with my  arms out. Swan dive style like at the pool when I was 10. The free fall is indescribable but I remember about half way down my body reacted to the fact that I was falling from an unlivable height. I screamed and flailed my arms as I stared down at the rapidly approaching river. SO scary!!!

The bungee finally caught me and whipped hard. My back tensed up and my hamstrings got tight. I Bounced wayyyyy up in the air a few times. After that it was just a lot of upside down spinning and smiling as they towed me back up. What a crazy adrenaline rush!! :) Jen is really good at giving presents. Never done anything like that before!!! 

 When I got back up we got a certificate of bravery from Willy our guide. We had all taken pictures of each other and made friends. We shared photos and took a few all together as a group. Such a fun adventure!! 

 After bungee time, Jen was feeling a little antsy. For those of you who don't know, if Jen doesn't work out for more than 2 days she starts to have mini panic attacks. Little ball of energy!! So we challenged each other to a game of tennis!! I found out quickly that Jen has a killer forehand and that if I took it easy on her it was going to be a quick few games to was a hard fought 9 games to 5 but I squeeked out a victory. She gave me a run for my money though!! Now we are blogging ( uBlawGuh ) :) and thinking about eating dinner at Denny's. don't laugh. Not because it's amazing food. Because it's easy to find and we have had about ENOUGH of San Jose's non marked, nonsensical roads with dangerous merging, trafficky, weird new traffic sign having madness!!

After a trot through our fancy hotel in our bathrobes and slippers in search of the jacuzzi that we eventually found out was closed because it was part of the spa area... we again walked by all the people staring to go back to the room and change for dinner. 

Denny's it was! And oh did it taste glorious!!

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