Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 26th: Playa GRANDE!

For our last full day in Coco, we thought we would give surfing one more go. Partly because we didn't really have anything else we felt the need to do, and partly because looking back on it, we both realized we should have gone back to Grande to surf instead of staying at the over populated Tamarindo beach. We got up extra early and hustled out the door to make the one hour trip over there to catch the morning surf. To our disappointment, we were off juuuust a bit on our timing and managed to get there just before it hit low tide (when we were in Santa Teresa, high tide was around 10-11am) Not to be deterred, we still got a surf board and a boogie board and made the trek down to the beach. Regardless of the smallish and inconsistent waves, we happily took our boards out in the completely deserted water and smiled while we jumped around and got pummeled by waves.

Since we had the boards for the entire day, we brought them back to the surf shop and figured we would go shop in Tamarindo and eat while it was low tide, and then come back for afternoon surfing. The girl at the store seemed very excited to give us recommendations for lunch.... until she realized we were wanting to go to Tamarindo and not stay in Grande. Feeling silly about driving over to shop in the most touristy place in Costa Rica, we changed our minds and took her advice and went to MarBar. A small little bar that was part of a very small hotel. We were the only people there. But the one waiter and the one cook seemed to like us. Nick had fun having another Spanish lesson with the waiter. I know we've said it alot, but the food we had there beats all. Fish tacos and a burrito and AMAZING french fries/chips. Our cheapest meal too! We definitely patted ourselves on the back for that one. It was a great pick.

As we pulled up to the surf shop again, we had a good long discussion about what to do.... We were about perfect timing to go back down and catch good waves, but both of us were salty and not hot enough to feel like jumping in the water again and staying there all afternoon. So at the last minute, we decided to say thanks and just head home. We had another plan that we had been talking about doing all week, and this was our last chance to do it... going and painting and playing guitar down by the water like street performers :)

Our plan got a little shaky when we got into town and found ourselves in the middle of a parade! Literally. People walking all around our car, floats driving in front, behind and beside us. Marching bands. People in costumes. Apparently today is the day that Guanacaste joined Costa Rica!! Yay! Happy birthday Costa Rica! Or something like that...

Determined to still do what we said we would, we headed down to the waterfront. We felt a bit uncomfortable walking around with our stuff past all the booths and food and dancing going on. Curious as to whether or not the cops standing next to me were going to yell at me for trying to sell a painting, it took awhile for me to break out all my gear. But I finally did. I laid out the painting I already had, and set up my paints to work on another picture. Sitting on my rock painting, I attracted the attention of a little boy who just sat and watched. Nick finally started talking to him and asked if he liked to play the guitar. When he said yes, Nick handed him the guitar and let him play.

As the night went on, people stopped and watched me paint and commented on how much they liked it. Easily the coolest art experience I have ever had. Also one of the most nerve-racking. To paint and try and keep painting when you know people are watching you. And trying to communicate when they are talking to you in Spanish. But Nick was my translator. He is also now hired as my manager and publicist. He was good at it. One guy came up and was really excited about my sunset painting, and really wanted to buy it. He didn't seem bothered by the price that I asked for it. In fact, he seemed urgent to set up a time a little later to come get it. He was with his girlfriend (who had long walked away since we started talking about prices), and he seemed like he may not have had the money on him. I was just excited that anyone was seriously interested! And excited about all the people that stopped by and watched and commented before. It took Nick awhile to start playing the guitar, but having 3 random teenagers come up to him all excited and asking to see his guitar and excited to show him their own, he finally kept it out and started playing. He played along with the live music they had going on at the beach. It was perfect for where we were sitting.

When it started to get a little too dark to see, we packed up and headed home to eat our leftover pasta from last night, before heading back out down to the beach to dance! (We had to drop off all our stuff, it is made clear all the time that you don't want to leave anything in your car). We got in about 4 or 5 salsa-ish dances, wondering the whole time whether or not we were supposed to be on the dance floor or if we were supposed to be doing a specific kind of dance. We are 90% sure that we were the only tourists down at the beach at this time, or at least out on the dance floor (aka the basketball court).

At 8pm we went back to the little shopping center near our hotel, because that is where the guy said he would meet us to possibly buy the painting. Skeptical all along whether or not he would actually show, we thought we would try. We sat out on the patio of a restaurant and ordered pina coladas as we waited. Surprise, surprise, the guy didn't show. Wa wa. But now it was time for more dancing!!

Friday night! We were ready all day to go out dancing! and now it would be that much cooler considering the occasion! One pina colada down, and close to our hotel, we dropped the car off so we could walk downtown. But! Before we go, we might as well finish off the beer and wine coolers we had left in our fridge right? And just to make it fun, lets play caps! And so we did!

and then we sat on the bed to discuss our game plan... annnd fell asleep.

Great night out! :)

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