Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 29th: Longggg trip home

Maybe it was the leftover guilt from saying no to the Cap class in Tamarindo, but Nick didn't have the heart to deny me going to the market this morning even though it was stressing him out that we wouldn't make it to the airport in time. I reassured him last night by giving a very strict timetable for our morning. We woke up at 6am, completely packed our bags, headed to breakfast, and caught a taxi to the market at 8:30. There was a bit more traffic than we had accounted for, but it didn't matter, because we were both thoroughly entertained by our awesome driver. Nick chit chatted away to him in Spanish, and I happily followed along with the conversation. Getting to the market at 9, we told the taxi driver we would be back in exactly 1 hour. Shopping is not meant to have a time limit, so even Nick can't deny that I did GOOD! Quick decisions. I pulled the trigger. Even though we walked up and down the strip about 3 or 4 times first before I made any moves.

10am on the dot, we headed back to the hotel. I kept trying to poke at Nick, pointing out that we were perfectly on schedule and there was no need to worry. But he wasn't going to let up completely until we were boarding the plane. We loaded up the car and conquered the road to Alamo (I've figured out that the trick is to look backwards as you drive, because more often then not, the sign you are looking for is labeled going the other direction, but never on your side of the road). Refusing to make the same mistakes as last year, we were extra extra cautious of speed limits so we wouldn't get a ticket on the last day, and we went and hunted down a gas station so we could actually bring the car back full :). Jimmy got his checkup and passed with flying colors! We loaded up in the shuttle and were off to the airport.

We paid a silly $30 fee just to leave the country... but with that taken care of and our bags checked, Nick could finally relax. A quick sandwich before we boarded and were on our way to Miami!

Boarding the plane to go home should be the end of our story... but really it's only the beginning...

3 hours later, we arrived in Miami.... with exactly 1hour 10mins before our connecting flight to Seattle. Knowing that we needed to hurry, we decided to run past everyone to get to customs (at the time probably running more for fun, not realizing just how little time we really had). When we saw the huuuge line (and very little customs officers working), we started to panic. We stood in line and checked the time with every step we moved. Thought *we are supposed to start boarding in 15minutes, but the flight doesn't actually LEAVE for 40minutes.... we should make it by then*.... by the time we made it closer to the front of the line, we asked a guard how much time it would take us once we got through custom. Let's just say... he looked at our ticket.... checked the time.... and looked at us like we were stupid. He told us we are supposed to check in 40minutes before our flight BOARDS. He basically told us we were screwed... but felt bad and wanted to help us. Nick reassured him that we were fast, but it didn't seem to give him too much faith. He walked us through every step we needed to take in order to have a chance... "but when you go check your bags, they will stop you right there if they think it's too late. At the very latest, they will take your bags until 8:10pm".... what time was it? 8:00. We finally made it to the front of the line and got through customs. We SPRINTED to claim our bags... Nick frantically running around in circles trying to figure out where they put his guitar. Luggage in tow, we ran like maniacs past everyone.

We made it to the baggage check. We handed the guard our ticket... "what time is it??" he asked the guard behind him... "8:08pm".... thinking... thinking... "alright, go!"

And we were off again! So much running! This was our Amazing Race moment of glory. Bobbing in and out of crowds, turning the corner, both of us seperating to find a screen with gate numbers on them. "D16!! D16!!" we shouted to each other. Up the stairs we went! We had to catch the train. Thank goodness we only had to go one stop! D16. We made it. With enough time to spare to catch our breath and realize just how sweaty we were. 2minutes later, we started boarding.

6.5hours of plane time. Nick glared at me countless times, jealous that I was sleeping through most of it.

12:15am we touched down in Seattle. Home sweet home. The long day was finally over! Mom was there to pick us up, all was good.

 except not....

The carousel turned... the baggage went around... and one by one people picked up their stuff and went home... until about 10 people we left standing with nothing. Our bags didn't make it. So there we stood in line to fill out information to get our bags back.

Who knows why or how, but Nick's guitar managed to make it home!

But then again, that's not really true either....His guitar made it home.... but not alive :(

Not only did we have to file our missing bags claim.... but Nick had to file a damage report for his broken guitar and guitar case. Definitely not a happy ending to the day... especially at 2am.

Tired, hungry, bag-less and guitar loss distraught... we finally made it home in the wee hours of the morning.

Fast forward to July 31st at 10:48pm.... My bag has finally made it home.

Nick and JQ trip #2: Costa Rica, has finally come to a complete end.

Thanks for following :)

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