Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 25th: Rainy Day

Good morning rain! That was my thought this morning. We ran away from it when we left the rainforest, and it has finally caught up with us again. Proud of our grocery shop from last night, I happily put together a delicious little breakfast this morning. Complete with a cute little arrangement of fruit in a cup :)

To be quite honest, a lot of ridiculousness has gone on today. We have both been in stupid silly moods. Between saying “AMUNKEY!”, singing “we are siamese”, dancing, singing "dumb ways to die" (I told you it was catchy), watching Drumline in Spanish and other random side comments that made us chuckle, there has been a lot of laughing and not a whole lot of accomplishing today. But it was raining, so it’s ok. We did end up going out and shopping some more (because Nick wanted to buy a shirt) and we stumbled across a little coffee shop that actually sold paintings! Real paintings! (which we haven’t seen any of until now).... except they were reaaaally good... so not ones that we could afford. But it was fun looking around at something different from the standard stuff that is sold at From there, we went off in search of somewhere to eat lunch. We said that we wanted to go find a local Tico place and get real food (as opposed to tourist food). During our hunt, we found ourselves accidentally on the way to Playa Ocotal, the REAL one... (aka the beach that we were looking for the other day). Excited to see what the beach looked like, we continued on. As we were driving, we passed a sign for “Father Roosters” which reminded us, that was the restaurant Tom had recommended to us if we were going to Ocotal. Onward to Father Roosters we went! What a fantastic decision! I was sold when we pulled up in front of the brightly colored beach front restaurant that had a rooster coop treehouse up in the tree out front. A tico wrap and steak. Our favorite meal yet. And our favorite place. Sorry Coconutz, the rooster food was WAY better.

Back home with some time to kill before happy hour and designated blogging time, we were feeling rather artsy. I had made up my mind to paint the lizard.... Nick decided to draw one too.... or a gremlin... he said it was me, but I’m not so sure. It definitely got some more giggles out of us. 

He also drew AMUNKEY! Before abandoning the pen for a guitar. We spent a good hour or two both doing our own thing. It’s a nice little duo we got going with that. Or at least I think so. I get free entertainment while I paint. (ps. that is an action shot of Nick saying AMUNKEY! But to better understand how that goes.... 

We managed to juuuuust catch the sunset on our way to Coconutz for happy hour. I literally jumped out of the car to take a few pictures. So here we are, currently at the bar,  drinks in hand, specifically so we could use the internet to post blog stuff from the past 4 days... and there is no internet.  (don't worry, we eventually found internet at a bar down the street ;)


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