Monday, July 22, 2013

July 18th: First Day in Santa Teresa

First day in Santa Teresa! Woke up to find CREPES on the breakfast menu at our hotel! We couldn’t have been more pleased. Silvia (one of the owners) is super nice. She chatted with us at breakfast. Being that Santa Teresa is the ultimate little surf town, we set out just next door to pick up some surfboards. There was no question about what we were going to do today. It was a beach day. Surfboards in hand, we walked down to the beach to scope it out. So maybe the waves were a little different than we had expected, and maybe it was alot harder to get out than we thought. But it wasn’t for lack of trying (and that goes for Nick... I got sick of getting pummeled by waves pretty quick. Salt water is not my favorite thing to inhale). Basically, we picked a pretty crappy time of day to surf, on a day that the locals even said was a pretty bad day in general. And it wasn’t just us. We made friends with the 4 Swiss guys that were sitting near us, who were having just as much trouble. The waves weren’t consistent and were coming from 3 different directions. Despite our not so successful surfing attempt, we hungout on the beach (in the not so sunny weather) and people watched. 

A little frustrated, we headed back to the hotel to change for dinner. Jimmy sticks out a bit here. Everyone drives ATV’s and dirt bikes on the road, cars are not as common. We went to a little burger place that was recommended to us. Tiny little restaurant suited to serve about 15 people. Not really sure what to do or where to go after dinner (it’s not a very big place), we opted to just go back home and get some sleep so we could get up early the next day. 

So for those of you that happened to read my temporary comment on the previous post about the most terrifying thing that happened to me... well, here it is. 

I wasn’t quite tired enough to go to bed yet, so instead, I decided to sit out on our teeny tiny balcony and blog for you. I was happily typing away while waiting for the lightning storm video to upload, when I just so happened to glance down at the floor. Keep in mind that the chair that I was sitting on was like a small lawn chair, so I was sitting about 6 inches above the floor. I looked down and about a foot away from my right foot (walking towards it) was THE BIGGEST most TERRIFYING spider I have ever seen in my life!! Before you laugh and say I am exaggerating about any detail, I kid you not, this thing was the size of my hand, if not bigger! It looked like a small animal. I instantly lifted my feet up onto the chair opposite me and therefore left myself completely trapped with no way to escape! Trapped on a teeny tiny balcony with a monster spider blocking my only path to safety! Envisioning this thing running at me and leaping onto my face, I was too scared to move. So I called for Nick, who was just on the other side of the screen door, sleeping. I called. And I called. Every time I spoke, the spider stopped and moved closer to me. Getting frantic, I called louder. NICHOLAS JAMES!! Still no help. Alone to face my fears, I held back the borderline traumatic tears, leaped over the spider, grabbed the screen door to find that the actual door was closed too. I scrambled to get the door open and get inside before shutting the door and looking to find the spider already at the door trying to get in! It ran after me!! Heart pounding and physically shaking, I probably stood at the door giving the peaceful sleeping Nick the most deathly of all stares. I woke him up in a panic trying to explain what had just happened, and he sleepily rolled out of bed with a “yes, I will go kill the little spider” look on his face... I kept trying to tell him that this was NOT a killable spider.... So just take a look at what happened next (ps. I apologize for the tone of my voice haha). 

One of my many reactions....

SO gross!!!... ugh.

You can’t see something like that and not know what it is, so let me introduce you to the Brazilian wandering spider!! The most venomous spider in the WORLD. If you would like to know more, you can definitely look up some pretty disturbing photos and information. But just some highlights, they do in fact JUMP, their leg span averages about 13-15 inches and they are an aggressive member of the tarantula family. 

Needless to say, it was a little difficult to fall asleep. The gecko in our room has been eating all the bugs... but I think even he would appreciate us not letting that thing inside.

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